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Wherever you come from, Welcome nomadic family from all over the Galaxy! We love that you come to the festival! All the workshops will be taught in Spanish, anyway, here you will find many English speakers, from our organization team we will help you with any difficulties you may encounter, in addition, we have English - Spanish translators in the team and most of the workshops are of movement, music and song... the language does not matter much.


4 days off 🎨 ART 🎭 Dance 🪁 Celebration 🌟 Music 🎶 Workshops 🌀 Tribe 🌸 Nature 🦋 POOLPARTY 💦 AND MUCH MORE…


NoMaDANcE is a Celebration of Life through Dance, Music, Rituals and Creativity while Coexisting in Nature. All this, in an amazing castle surrounded by magic and wonderful people.



Creativity, music, theatre, dance... As a vehicule of CONECTION with ONESELF and each other. Coexistence as the space for sharing and learning all together side by side.


Contact - Tomi Ramallo (+34 626 986 275)

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Festival nomadance , semana santa, halloween , contact impro, ecstatic dance, yoga , biodanza
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